Friday, June 13, 2008

(ad)Vantage Point

Damn, the Antwerp crew did it again. They did it better. dEUS' latest record (I can't say new, cause it's been out for a while, I've just been busy... listening to it). The first single, the Architect proves once again, indie bands can make you dance over and over and over again without necessarily being classified as an electronica band. 
The whole record isn't a dancing mix either. Both "smokers reflect" and "Popular Culture" are slower tracks, but they're quite catchy. And not in a retarded, watered-down, I'm-trying-to-be-deep-and-I-come-across-emo kinda way either! These dudes actually captured the essence of that certain something. The song "Popular Culture," is about globalization led by the US. And the critique is as constructive as its topic. Understandably, this band is frustrated at the crystallization and anything and everything that hails from Uncle Sam's land. Artists from small European countries are at a disadvantage from the get go. 
"Smokers Reflect" is so insightful and diverse at the same time, that they covered most variances of human nature and that most people, smokers or not, will recognize themselves in the smooth, melodic verses of Tom Barman. For God's sake, stop reading my non-sensical blabber and go check out the best artists from my hometown!

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